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1-Minute Gratitude Affirmation

Thanksgiving and gratitude go together like turkey and mashed potatoes. Bring an abundance of gratitude into your life by expressing it more frequently.

Thanksgiving and November automatically make me think of gratitude, but gratitude is a yearlong, lifelong practice—not just reserved for the holidays or one day a year.

Appreciation, gratitude, thankfulness, however you say it, be grateful for today whatever it brings you.

You can even bring a sense of gratitude with everyday chores like doing laundry. (Stay with me on this.) I’m grateful I have laundry to do, grateful that I have access to soap and water to wash my clothes, grateful that I have a machine that washes them so I can wear them again and again.

There’s a reason your presence was requested to be on the planet at this time. Express your gratitude with everything you do.

This video is part of A Second for Yourself—a 52-week mantra video series that encourages moms to take a second for themselves. For more mantras, subscribe to my Stand Up for Your Self-Care YouTube Channel.

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This week's mantra: I am grateful for today.

Practice It: Express Your Gratitude

How do you regularly express gratitude? I’m grateful for my self-care practices, such as yoga and journaling. Share with us @JulieGtheYogi on Instagram or add a comment to this YouTube video.


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