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Reminder to Moms: There Is Only One of You

If you’re pulled in all different directions on the daily, this mantra is for you, mama.

If you’re pulled in all different directions on the daily, this month’s mantra is for you, mama.

The tasks and to-dos that come with being a full-time working mom can be overwhelming. We usually feel like we’re behind or that we’re forgetting something like picture day or pajama day at school.

If you can relate to this, here are 3 tips that can help when you feel scattered and overwhelmed.

  1. Be realistic about your workload (both the visible and mental workload). The practice below can help.

  2. Stop comparing yourself to other people. We’re all in our own unique situations, so it’s not fair that our default is to compare ourselves with others. Spend more time focusing on your own path rather than getting caught up in someone else’s.

  3. Remember there is only of one of you. You will never be replicated, so take care of your mind, body and spirit. The tips and tools on this website can help you get started.

This video is part of A Second for Yourself—a 52-week mantra video series that encourages moms to take a second for themselves. For more more mantras, subscribe to my Stand Up for Your Self-Care YouTube Channel.

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This week's mantra: There is only one of me.

Practice It: Reprioritize Your Priorities

What’s one thing you can remove from your schedule right now? Get excited to delete it! Note: Just because you take something off your schedule, doesn’t mean you need to add something in its place. Less can be more. Share your thoughts by tagging @JulieGtheYogi on Instagram or add a comment in this YouTube video.

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