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Mantra for Happiness

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

Learn how working moms can choose happiness over stress.

March 3 is I Want You to Be Happy Day. Whether you're reading this on March 3 or another day, you can start being happier today.

What if we woke up in the morning and chose to look at the bright side?

What if we took responsibility for our own happiness?

This is a practice for me every single day. I can choose to be happy waiting in line, waiting for a freight train and being stuck in traffic. Instead of complaining or being annoyed, I can turn up the music or a podcast, smile and say “thank you.”

This video is part of A Second for Yourself—a 52-week mantra video series on my Stand Up for Your Self-Care YouTube Channel that encourages busy moms to take a second for themselves. Check out my YouTube Channel and subscribe to be the first to know about upcoming videos.

Get 25% off my self-care books when you sign up for my free monthly self-care newsletter Nourish Note.

This week's mantra: Being happy is a choice.

Practice It: Sprinkle Your Life With Happiness

It’s journaling time (my fave)! How do you choose happiness in your own life every day? In what part of your life can you grow your happiness?

Share how happiness is part of your self-care journey. Tag @JulieGtheYogi on Instagram or add a comment in this YouTube video.

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