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Collaborate to Make a Greater Impact

Work together to reach more people. This Word of the Week can help you get started.

Word of the Week: Collaborate

Communicate, connect and socialize. Working together is the prize.

I first learned how to collaborate outside of my house when I became a member of a sports team. Playing basketball and softball taught me how to communicate with my team to help win games, or at least make them competitive. In collaboration, I grew my communication skills and found leadership.

I often played point guard on my basketball teams and was a pitcher for my fast-pitch softball teams. I was used to getting a lot of minutes in games and feeling the pressure. My team members pulled each other through many moments because collaboration is all about the team effort and spirit. When we worked together, we could achieve great things.

When you collaborate, more things are possible.

Who do you collaborate with?

For a new Word of the Week every week, tune in to my Stand Up for Your Self-Care YouTube Channel and Instagram @JulieGtheYogi.

Collaborate and Connect With Others Through Self-Care

  • Yoga classes: Join classes virtually or in person every Monday and Wednesday at 7 pm at Bloomingdale Park District. Plus, check out upcoming pop-up yoga classes.

  • Events: Register for upcoming Self-Care for Busy People events.

  • Social media: Connect with me on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.

  • Blog: Check out new content every week on this blog.

  • Books: Get self-care tips and inspiration from my two award-winning books 108 Yoga and Self-Care Practices for Busy Mamas and How to Stay Calm in Chaos: An Everyday Self-Care Guide.

  • Nourish Note: Get 25% off my books when you sign up for my free monthly self-care newsletter Nourish Note.

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