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Try This Morning Yoga Routine for More Energy

Updated: Oct 8, 2022

Learn how this yoga teacher starts her day. In less time than it takes to wash my face and brush my teeth and hair, my mind, body and spirit are aligned with this yoga practice.

Woman in bright pink yoga top and blue yoga pants in Upward Salute on a teal yoga mat on a wood deck with green trees in the background
Get a peek at my at-home morning yoga routine. Photo © Copyright by Laura Brown Photography.

Every morning after I go to the bathroom, practice tongue scraping and oil pulling, brush my teeth, and drink a glass of water, I step on to my yoga mat for five minutes to say hello to my soul. Even though I usually have a packed day ahead, the time connecting with my mind, body and breath is well spent.

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I know that once I pick up my phone to check my text messages and open my bedroom door, the external world and all of its distractions will beckon me to engage with it. But this inner work—this getting centered and grounded before my day begins—preps me to give myself the best chance of staying as present as possible throughout the day.

Move my body. Feel its morning stiffness.
Move my breathe. Ride its wave.
Be still with my thoughts. Watch them float like clouds clearing to show a vast, bright blue sky behind them.

Practice It: Quick Morning Yoga Routine

In less time than it takes to wash my face and brush my teeth and hair, my mind, body and spirit are aligned, and I’m ready to start my day in an uplifting way.

Check out my morning routine in my award-winning book 108 Yoga and Self-Care Practices for Busy Mamas, available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and the MSI Press website. This book is a great gift, guide and resource for busy people like you!

What is your favorite part of your morning routine? Let me know on Instagram and Facebook @JulieGtheYogi.

Note that this website and the Stand Up for Your Self-Care YouTube Channel are for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Speak with your doctor before beginning any new exercise routine or wellness plan.

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