108 Yoga and Self-Care Practices for Busy Mamas was recognized with a bronze medal in the Exercise/Fitness/Yoga category from the Independent Publisher (IPPY) Living Now Book Awards.
In 2019, 108 Yoga and Self-Care Practices for Busy Mamas received a bronze medal in the Exercise/Fitness/Yoga category from the Independent Publisher (IPPY) Living Now Book Awards.
This award recognizes excellence in independent publishing, “books for better living” and authors “changing lives and changing the world.”
To view the award listing, visit the Living Now Book Awards website.
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Released in February 2019, 108 Yoga and Self-Care Practices for Busy Mamas is your go-to guide to prioritizing self-care every day—especially when you’re a busy working parent.
This book includes all the self-care inspiration you need:
Journaling prompts
Yoga poses
Breathing exercises
Other self-care practices to help bring balance to a busy life
In 111 pages (111 means to wake up!), you can learn simple ways to take care of yourself for a lifetime and grow your self-love one self-care practice at a time.
108 Yoga and Self-Care Practices for Busy Mamas is available for purchase on the MSI Press website, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart and Books-A-Million.