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Yoga Can Teach You This

Updated: 1 day ago

Yoga benefits more than mind and body. It can help you build your wellness reserves so that you have the energy to do what you are here to do. No coffee necessary.

A woman in a bright pink shirt and blue yoga pants in side crow on a teal yoga mat on a wooden deck with green trees in the background
Although yoga is a familiar friend, it often takes me out of my comfort zone, leading me to some of life’s greatest lessons. Photo © Copyright by Laura Brown Photography.

I am so fortunate I decided to walk into my first yoga class at a YMCA in 2008. By the end of that session, I had experienced clarity I had never known until that point and a deep longing to learn more about this beautiful, life-enhancing practice.

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Before my first yoga class ever ended, I knew I would one day teach yoga. Walking out of class that evening was like walking into a new world of possibilities and experiences.

Since then, yoga has led me down a journey of in-depth discovery of my inner and outer worlds; it has helped me shift the way I look at things; and it has helped me embrace who I am and what I am here to do.

For more than 15 years, I have experienced how yoga takes care of mind, body and spirit through the integration of poses, breathing exercises, meditation and lifestyle.

What’s great about yoga is that you can practice it anywhere—no yoga mat required. I’ve practiced it at a gas station, in line at the grocery store and waiting for a parade. What’s most fascinating about yoga is that the mat is where the magic starts, but you and your practice hold hands as you walk together out of the yoga class and into your life. Your practice goes wherever you go and it supports you like a trusted friend.

The mindfulness you find on your yoga mat helps you become more aware of how you are in your life—what you’re doing and how you're feeling in every moment moment and why you make the choices you make. A yoga practice gently pushes you toward your potential, and at the same time, it is also a grounding, supportive ocean of incredible wisdom.

Yoga can teaches you this:

  • Yoga can reveal your inner and outer strengths.

  • Yoga can help reduce your anxiety in a world of constant overstimulation.

  • Yoga can help you connect to yourself, your family and your community.

  • Yoga can help you learn something new about yourself.

  • Yoga can build your wellness reserves.

Yoga does all of this for me and more, which is why I keep showing up on my mat, and which is why yoga and me were meant to be.

Practice It: Yoga Can Help Reveal the Real You to You

Learn more about how yoga can benefit you in my book 108 Yoga and Self-Care Practices for Busy Mamas.

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